Curriculum Store
We're delighted to be able to sell our curriculums and worksheets for wider use.
We're a small school based in Leeds, UK and every penny from the curriculums will be going to our school, and we appreciate your support!
If you're also a small school and can't afford to buy the curriculums please reach out!
Your purchase of the curriculum is exclusively for the use of your school. The files may not be shared with or sold to anyone, and will be personalised with your moised’s name, and our copyright, at the bottom.
We are always looking to enhance the curriculum and your feedback will help continue to support teachers with high quality materials for their classrooms.
General Enquiries: office@leedsmenorahschool.org
Curriculum Enquires: rabbi.elipink@leedsmenorahschool.org
Elul - Tishrei Workbook
These worksheets cover the basic topics of Elul and Tishrei and can be used as standalone sheets to support the lesson and reinforce what is taught or as part of a Yom Tov scrapbook.
Each page has instructions about what should be done on that page.
Introductory price: £50
Includes: Digital Download, 21 Page PDF
Topics included:
· Melech BaSodeh—King in the Field, Chai Elul
· Teshuvah, Tefillah, Tzedakah
Rosh Hashanah
· Names of Rosh Hashanah
· Shofar, Special Foods,Tashlich
· Candle Lighting Brachos, Special Greetings
Yom Kippur
· Kapparos, Meals on Erev Yom Kippur
· 5 Tefillos, Things we don’t do
· Yonah craft
· Names of Sukkos, Arbah Minim, Ushpizin

Alef - Tof Reading Package
This package contain a full set of Alef-Beis sheets with 2-4 sheets per letter. Each letter has a sheet to introduce it and another for revision, with extra sheets for similar letters. These sheets do not include nekudos.
These sheets can be used in class and also as reinforcement to review what was studied in class, at home.
Introductory price: £100
Includes: Digital Download, 82 Page PDF

Bereishis Curriculum
The Bereishis package contains a full set of child-friendly translation sheets for the entire Parshas Bereishis. These can be used as homework aids, so parents know which translation has been taught in class and can help their children with chazarah.They can also be used as part of the lesson to colour code prefixes, suffixes and shoroshim.
The package also includes worksheets that cover all the pesukim in the Parsha. These can be used during class, as an additional way to reinforce the translation and meaning of the pesukim, or as homework.
We have also included a pdf of the entire Parsha just the Hebrew divided line by line as it would be translated. We use this on the smartboard for the students to see and recognise words they already know and aid in teaching new words and translations.
Introductory Price: £360
Includes: Digital Download:
95 Page Translation PDF, 95 Page Hebrew PDF & 106 Page Worksheet PDFs

Unfortunately in the UK we don't have Zelle or CashApp but we do have PayPal!
If you don't have a PayPal account you can process your payment via credit card.
Or reach out to us.